“Rose Rash” is an animated short film. The duration is approximately 10 minutes. The techniques are consisted of pencil, color pencil, watercolor combining with computer technique. The animation portrays the interrelation between birth and death which is inspired by a book named ‘Tibetan book of the dead’. In a mist forest where the living meets the dead, for unknown reasons animals and plants have gone extinct. Anonymous funeral is being held by a clan of boys, getting asthma, having sleepwalked and rose rash without real cause. These boys have to face their existences to be alive.
Born in 1993 in Thailand. After his graduation in Film and Digital Media at KMITL in Thailand in 2016, Rujitanont has been an animation artist whose works focus on existentialism. His graduation animation won Gold Prize Digicon6(Thailand) in Japan. “LAHMER” (In my sleep), his first professional film was awarded Nef and Ciclic Animation Prizes in Annecy International Film Festival 2017. Afterwards, he participated in artist in residences: Fontevraud Abbey in 2017, Ciclic animation, Anime-Asean program in 2018, and Atelier de l’Enclume in 2019.