An animation depicting the friendship between three very different female characters, and their quest to more justice towards women in a patriarchal society. In this animation created with oil pastels and digital elements, the three protagonists poke indelible holes, at times humorously, in men who are oppressive towards women.
1990年、ベルギー生まれ。アニメーション作家。フランスの EMCA とゴブラン校、および英国のロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・ アートでアニメーションを学び、在学時に制作した作品は世界 30 以上の映画祭で上映される。主に「現代社会における不平等」 に焦点を当てた作品を制作している。
Born in Belgium, 1990. Animation artist. Studied animation at EMCA and the School of images Gobelins in France and the Royal College of Art in London. The films she created as a student has been screened at over 30 film festivals worldwide. Her work is focused on people, social inequalities and injustices in today’s society.